Especially useful if your pipette has been dropped, cleaned, or borrowed.

Keep Checkits in the lab for instant confirmation of pipette accuracy.

The Checkit provides a valuable early-warning system for a pipette that may be drifting out of calibration. Many pipette manufacturers recommend regular in-laboratory checking of pipettes in addition to good maintenance and scheduled calibration. Wouldn’t it be nice to know whether a pipette needs recalibration, or if lab personnel could use a brush-up on their pipetting technique? With the Checkit, a clear answer is seconds away. Available for various size pipettes, the Checkit checks your pipette’s accuracy at the bottom, middle and top of its range. Whenever you need a fast, quantitative assessment of a pipette’s accuracy, just pull out a Checkit. No more trying to read a tiny droplet’s weight on a high-precision balance. Low-cost, fast, and easy to use, the Checkit can save money on calibration services while giving you the confidence that your pipettes are delivering accurate volumes.

Feb 2015: SIS at Pittcon 2015, TD, homogenizer.May 2015: SIS at ASMS 2015, thermal desorption poster barley, manufacturing.NIST MS Database - Update Notifications.NextAdvance Bullet Blender® Homogenizer Protocols.Celestron® Handheld Digital Microscope (HDM).Temperature Measurement & Recording Devices.Sterile Vials - Bottle, Stopper, and Cap - All Together Certified Sterile.Digital Vacuum pressure regulator (VPC).Acoustic Enclosures For Rotary Vane Pumps.Connectors - Optimize OPTI-LYNX™ (HPLC).Fitting & Ferrules - Optimize EXP/2 (UHPLC).SGE SilFlow™ Stainless Steel Micro-Fluidic Platform.SGE MEPS™-Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent.