If you would like to see the show rebooted, c lick here to sign the petition! The future of soaps could be bright with Days of Our Lives moving to streaming as of September 12 on Peacock, could a rebooted Passions land on the streaming platform? But what would a rebooted version of the show look like? While a number of the cast are on board for a reboot, there are still plenty of cast members who have been off the grid since the show's cancelation such as Ben Masters (Julian), Emily Harper (Fancy), James Stevenson (Jared), Amelia Marshall (Liz), Christopher Douglas (Antonio) and more. Hence, Thiesing and Futerman created a petition to help get the reboot along. The series was way ahead of its time but was taken away from fans way too soon. They are working assiduously on rebooting the defunct NBC daytime drama. Heather Thiesing and Inna Futerman have teamed up and started what they call The Passions Project. Great stuff if you ever enjoyed the show for how bad it was.With just approximately 650 signatures to go, the fight to bring Passions is on! They actually have a blooper reel from the show on YouTube, which is worth checking out, IMO.

I remember actually praying for the off chance that the voices of He-man and She-ra would also show up as sort of a comedy nod.as Passions sometimes did stuff like that on occasion, but sadly, it never happened.

The number one thing I remember about the early years of the show was the absolute biggest main bad guy, Alistair Crane was voiced by Alan Oppenheimer.aka the voice of the Filmation Skeletor (and Man At Arms, Beast Man, ect). I always rooted for the villains no matter how stupid, pointless, and ridiculous their plans were (and most of the time, their plans were extremely stupid, pointless, and ridiculous). I don't know how good a soap opera it was, but Passions was probably the greatest unintentional comedy I've ever seen. I could go months without watching a single episode, come back.and feel like I missed nothing. I used to love this show, and whenever I'd have a day off from school I'd make sure to catch it.